Power Users

All about BIMWorkplace POWER USERS Program

Learn all about the BIMWorkplace Power User program!

The main mission of BIMWorkplace is the democratization of technology in construction, through a simple software that allows full team collaboration and optimizes project management.  Today we are going to talk about the Power Users program of the BIMWorkplace software.

BIMWorkplace recently launched a Power Users program, exclusively for special guests and customers. 

What is a Power User?

Being a Power User means having full and unlimited access to BIMWorkplace and exclusive support. These will be the first users to take advantage of the tool’s features, and they will have exclusive access even before the software is released on the market.

BIMWorkplace Power Users will be part of the platform’s history, as they will contribute with important inputs and knowledge throughout their experience with the platform.

We are confident that our Power Users will allow us to achieve a level of excellence, both in terms of platform functionality and customer experience.

We chose for this program, passionate and enthusiasts of the BIM methodology. Companies with interesting maturity in the construction industry with great knowledge of BIM and its use. We value the special characteristics of the organization, as well as the technical and dynamic skills of the user.

Benefits of being a Power User

There are many benefits of being a power user. Starting with free access to the platform for 60 days, Power Users receive training, ongoing technical support, direct interaction with our team and, finally, the possibility of becoming a successful case in the history of BIMWorkplace.

Why adopt the use of BIMWorkplace in your company?

We know that the main mission of BIMWorkplace is the democratization of technology in construction, but how is this possible?

The BIMWorkplace team is a big fan of the OpenBIM concept, which is the possibility for all professionals involved in a project to have the freedom to share the same data transparently, in a truly open system that facilitates the communication between processes, technology and people.

The platform is hosted in the Cloud, which allow its access from anywhere in the world. The system offers, in addition to the function of viewing, sharing, exporting and importing data, always taking into account the importance of privacy required in each project.

With the OpenBIM concept in mind, BIMWorkplace allows loading of models in .rvt and .ifc formats, allowing systems to interact with each other.

BIMWorkplace has also developed the Revit plugin, which allows synchronizing data between the platform and Revit, making it possible to change data and update it immediately.

Did you know that you can also be a Power User? Find out how!

Are you passionate about BIM? Do you believe in the democratization of construction? Then you too can become a Power User!

You can apply for this program. If you are selected, you will be contacted to set up our first conversation!

Once a Power User, forever a Power User! Be part of BIMWorkplace story and get exclusive access now and a special price later.

What did you think about our program? Do you have any doubts? If you need, please contact us. We are here to clarify all your doubts.
