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8 Factors that make BIMWorkplace a happy place


Today, corporate happiness is the order of the day, the “Happiness Works 2021” study conducted by Lukkap, Universidade Atlântica and Exame Magazine, concluded that happy employees skip work 36% less, have 45% less desire to change company and feel 9% more productive. For us, this is nothing new, we have long known that we have productive employees, because we know how to value their efforts.  Today we will mention some points that make BIMWorkplace a happy company.

Know now the 8 factors that make BIMWorkplace a happy company:


1. Multicultural team

BIMWorkplace team is divided between two nations, Portugal and Brazil. We are lucky to conciliate the Brazilian joy with the Portuguese discipline. We proudly say that we have the best of both worlds.

2.    Attitude and balance

Everything in life is an attitude, and the attitude of our team is both relaxed and professional. We find the perfect balance between joy and focus in our cultures, standing in the middle of both positions and creating an ideal measure of all the factors that make up the attitude of each person. Only in this way can we be highly productive and professional but also cheerful and cool.

3.    Acknowledge

We know that when the subject is happiness at work, opinions are divided. There are those who do not doubt the importance of workers feeling happy, and there are those who do not even believe that there is a way to achieve this.

However, we are sure of one thing; our employees help us to have such an innovative cloud platform on the market. We will always recognise this, we treat people for who they are, we listen to them, we value opinions and efforts. Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote this: “No one escapes the dream of flying, of overcoming the limits of the space where they were born, of seeing places and new people. But knowing how to see in each thing that something that defines it as special, a special object, a friend, is fundamental. To navigate is necessary, to recognise the value of things and of people even more so.”

4.    Celebrate

Every month we have a day where the whole company gets together (virtually) to celebrate. There is always a reason to celebrate and to congratulate those who have excelled themselves. This is one of our team’s favourite moments, where we ‘take off’ the business suit and have fun as a group.

5.    Communicate

We value internal communication very much, because we know that this is the only way we can get all our team to focus their efforts towards the same goals. We want all our team to know our values and culture and to celebrate the achievements of our software!

6.    We are together

We create moments of relax between collaborators. For that, we have a Happy Calendar, with dates and activities that happen throughout the time. Part of these activities are happy hours where we laugh, toast and eat cake.

7.    We promote the training

We are demanding in our recruitment processes because we want the best to work with us, but our demand turns into responsibility in maintaining the level of competence. For this, we regularly hire specialists to accompany our team and surpass the level of excellence with which they arrived at BIMWorkplace.

8.    We have amazing people

The history of BIMworkplace is made of people, people made the platform, everything is about and for people. We are lucky to have motivated, focused and ambitious people.

In BIMWorkplace’s world, people are at the heart of the strategy, whether they are clients, partners or teammates. We believe that success starts from the inside out. We can only give the best service to our customers if our employees maintain excellence in the development of every single task.