Explore your models in the ultimate way! Upload models in .IFC or .RVT format directly from the cloud, or from the Revit plugin, and start managing them.
In this module, the entire team involved in the project will be able to federate all the disciplines of the project, report problems and suggestions, analyze the elements and their properties individually, create customized groupings of information (tables) and even edit the properties of the elements.
All model data management is done with full responsibility and care, allowing only text properties to be edited, and only by users with appropriate permissions.
And to ensure these updates don’t get lost in the design evolution process, sync changes with the authoring software and update the native model.
The Explorer also allows the creation of views of the models and their properties, to facilitate discussions in meetings or the preparation of a presentation.
Extract quantities to take to your usual budgeting software and even generate reports in excel format to be shared with the team.