The Integration menu has very versatile tools that allow greater flexibility for editing data and its subsequent integration with native software.
The Excel export in this menu, contrary to what happens in the reports, will generate a file with the selected topics, however, considering only those that the user has permissions to edit. If the user selects topics that you don’t have permission for, they won’t appear in the file.
In the generated file, it is possible to edit the topic data, directly in Excel.
To import this file back into the BIMWorkplace cloud, in the Integration menu and click on the Import Data button. Soon after, required fields will appear that you must fill in. Finally, just drag or select your Excel file onto the cloud image for the import to take place.
As seen before, required fields are those that need to be filled in when creating a topic. Thus, to ensure that the Excel file is successfully imported, if the required fields do not contain data in the file, they will be filled in with those that the user selects in this Data Import space.
When confirming the import, the user will be able to follow the progress of the import and after its completion will have the result in the Status column. If any failure occurs during the import process, it is possible to analyze the details of the file in question.
All changes made to topic data will be automatically updated after import.