Workplace data fields

The workplace data fields are used solely for creating projects. The idea is to set up standardized data for your company, depending on the metrics and types of projects you usually work on.

Data fields that can be customized are Project Type, Business Units, Building Type, Contract Type, and Quality Standard.

All the fields mentioned above have data standardized by BIMWorkplace, however the manager can delete data that he does not normally use and create data that is relevant.

You might be wondering where you will use this data!

The next step will be to create the first project in the workplace. When creating a project, there is a form with information to be filled in and some of these fields on the form refer to data fields.

However, those data that the manager has entered the data fields will appear in the form’s filling options.

Make your company’s workflow even more productive with data fields. So, creating new projects will be an almost automatic process, while entering important data for the project team!

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