
View Categories

Topic viewing mode

To make topic visualization easier, each user can choose the view that best suits them. Topics can be displayed in either a list or card format. To switch between views, navigate to the ‘Navigate’ tab and select your preferred option. By default, the Collaboration module starts in list view mode.

The list view provides a comprehensive overview of each topic, displaying a sequence of columns for each topic’s data fields, with options for column sorting and grouping. Each topic is assigned a color in the leftmost column to indicate its status, which can be customized in ‘Project Data Fields’ within the project settings.

Alternatively, the card view offers a condensed summary of topic information, displaying key details along with tags, model access, and follow options. Status colors for each topic appear along the left edge, making it easy to assess the current stage of each topic at a glance.

Now, you can choose the view that best supports your workflow and the data you need to manage daily.

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