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Topic Permissions

After creating a topic, the other topic tabs become accessible from more advanced settings. Let’s talk about permissions assigned to each topic.

Whenever a new topic is created, it is set to public by default, meaning that all members of your project team can view and comment on the current topic. However, the creator of the topic can make it private and configure individual permissions for each colleague. To do this, simply click the lock icon to activate the restriction.

Although the permission come defined per default, we have the option to individually configure permissions by users, workplace groups and project groups. If the topic creator assigns permissions to individual, but also for groups, and there is a conflict between the type of individual permission of a user and the group in which he is inserted, it will always be considered the permission of greater power.

Let’s understand now the difference of each level of permission:

  • None: users with this permission will not have access to the current topic, it will even appear in the list of topics.
  • Read: this permission allows users to view the topic, as well as make comments on the topic. In this permission, the other fields will be blocked for editing.
  • Read + Edit: what differentiates this permission from the previous one mentioned, is that in this case, users can accomplish edits of topic information. This permission does not allow users to delete the topic.
  • Total: full permission, as the name implies, allows the user to view, edit and also delete the topic. This is the permission with the most freedom.

– The creator (owner) of the topic always have full permissions for the topic.
– The user “Assigned to” always have at least the permission to read plus edit the topic. You can edit your permission only for a permission of greater power.

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